Schools prepare for world record attempt

Released on = June 6, 2006, 3:51 am

Press Release Author = Stephen Davies

Industry = Education

Press Release Summary = Children from across the country are preparing to race into
the Guinness World Record Book by taking part in the Tesco Great School Run.

Press Release Body = Children from across the country are preparing to race into the
Guinness World Record Book by taking part in the Tesco Great School Run.

The run takes place on Wednesday 21June. Organisers hope to set a new World Record
when thousands of seven to 11 year-olds participate in a co-ordinated two-kilometre
fun run at hundreds of schools across the UK and Ireland.

Schools also get the chance to win 100,000 Tesco Sports for Schools and Clubs
vouchers, which they can exchange for sports equipment.

As a race ambassador, Commonwealth Gold Medallist, Dean Macey, said: "I am thrilled
to be involved with the Tesco Great School Run! I think it is extremely important
that children are encouraged to get active as part of a healthy lifestyle.

"I hope that this year's race will see us sprint into the record books!"

Organiser Nova International is expecting over a quarter of a million Key Stage Two
children from all over the country to participate in the run. Over 700 schools have
already registered.

Participating schools will all receive a free CD-based teachers' pack created by
educational specialists

The teachers' pack contains a five-week programme of physical and classroom
activities to help children get in shape for the Tesco Great School Run.

David Hart, Communications Director at Nova International, said: "The Tesco Great
School Run is set to be the world's biggest ever organised junior running event.
This will beat last year's entry level and easily overtake the numbers who run in
other similar large-scale races around the world.

"Don't forget to encourage your school to get involved and get fit this summer!"

Debra Stones, Head of Corporate Responsibility at Tesco, said: "We are all very
excited about this year's run as we have had an astonishing response to entries this

"I would like to thank all those kids who will be taking part in what is sure to be
a fantastic and memorable event. Moreover, it'll be a great way of combining sport
and learning to show youngsters the way to a healthier lifestyle."

Schools that have not registered and wish to take part can get more information and
a free Teachers' Pack from

Web Site =

Contact Details = Bradley O\'Mahoney Public Relations
56 Jesmond Road West
Newcastle upon Tyne

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